Backyard guard dogs
J Ramón Palacios
 Camera   Nikon F4s handheld
 Lens  AF 75-300mm f/4.5-5.6 Nikkor, UV filter, at about 300mm.
 Aperture   f/5.6
 Shutter speed   1/60 sec
 Film  Konica VX 200
 Date  Autumn 1998. Late evening, almost night.
 Location  At my backyard, Monterrey, Mexico
 Additional info   I purchased this carved stone dogs a long ago. You could
 think they are Chinese Fu dogs, but are in fact replicas of
 guardian dogs at some Mexica pyramid.
 Amazing and strange connections between two cultures
 always thought to be so far apart from each other.
 It was late evening but I saw the image and rushed for my
 camera. No time to setup a tripod, the light would be gone 
 by then. Snapped three shots, this one I liked the best.