Assignment: Glass
J Ramón Palacios
 Camera   Nikon F4s on a Manfrotto 055C tripod
 Lens  AF Zoom 75-300 f/4.5-5.6 Micro Nikkor, UV filter.
 Aperture   f/8
 Shutter speed   1/60 sec
 Film  Konica Centuria 200
 Date  Summer 2000
 Location  Dinning room at home in Monterrey N.L. Mexico
 Additional info   The self impossed assignment was Glass.
 I came for lunch at home (which I seldom do), saw the light and
 the reflection of the frontyard garden into the glass over the table.
 Went for a glass, filled it with plain water and made five pictures.
 This is the one from there that I like the best, the 5th, the last one.

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