J. Ramón Palacios
 Camera   Nikon F4s, handheld
 Lens  75-300mm f/4.5-5.6 Micro Nikkor, UV filter
 Aperture   f/5.6
 Shutter speed   1/60 sec
 Film  Konica Centuria 200
 Date  Summer, 2000
 Location  The backyard at my home in Monterrey, Mexico 
 Additional info   This is a close-up of the flowers on the fruit basket sent 
 for my birthday by my daughter. Once more, light was
 going away fast. No time to fetch the tripod. I only had 
 time for 5 shots, side and back lit with natural sunlight.
 As darkness overpowered my garden I placed the cover
 on the lens and ate an apple, hoping ...