My daughter Tatiana
J Ramón Palacios
 Camera   Nikkormat FS 
 Lens  Steinheil Tele Quinar 135mm f/2.8 AI, no filter. 
 Aperture   Unrecorded
 Shutter speed   Unrecorded
 Film  Agfachrome
 Date  September, 1974
 Location  At the Fairmont Park Zoo in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
 Additional info   We went to the Philadelphia Arts Museum, the Franklin Museum, the 
 Rodin Museum or to the Fairmont Park Zoo, and then for lunch into 
 the Hawaiian Cottage or Bookbinders, almost every sunday, for no 
 less than two years. My wife was fortunate to salvage a box of slides 
 from a flood, box where I found this picture. 
 If I were asked today to make some images with a meterless camera 
 like that gorgeous Nikkormat, for sure I would find myself baffled.